Sunday, October 3, 2010

The One Good Deed I've decided to commit to on my B'day!!

Eyes are known to be the most precious jewel of human body. Whenever I think about myself, the most adorable thing I find is my eyes. I'm one of those person who dreams on the stuff which I've seen.My eyes blessed me with the ability to see and enjoy beauty of nature, science and human creation and above all the "beautiful girls". Eyes helps us to know and understand the expressions & feelings and joy of other persons.Eyes speak the language of heart. The feelings which we cannot show, which we cannot express, sometimes they are easily expressed with eyes.I love my Eyes. I makes me really uneasy even to think "What if I had No Eyes" and coming to think about that I consider myself lucky to have a eyesight compared to all those unfortunate persons with no vision.

There are uncountable persons in our country who are devoid of this beautiful feeling to see this world with their own eyes.They only know one color BLACK. No doubt these people live their life like a normal person and they enjoy the world with the eyes of other persons. But still there is a question “Is it possible for these persons to see the life on earth with their own eyes? Do they ever able to see the faces of their loved ones once in their life time? Do they ever differentiate between black and other colors on this earth?? And answer of all these questions is YES. They can if we decide to donate our EYES. 

Yes I've Decided to DONATE MY EYES

Don't ask me what made me make this decision. It's bit too personal to post on the blog. I had been thinking about this for long time and at times the idea of getting my eyes ripped out of my body made me sick. My Heart was against my brain. I want to be honest here. I'm too possessive with my body and organs. Aren't we all? But, somehow I got the courage to go on and now I've decided I'm donating my eyes for sure. 

I haven't talked about this to my Parents but I'm soon gonna do it. I wanted to do it on my b'day but I've been too lazy to proceed. May be I'll donate on Christmas.I'm quite certain my kins will be against this but, I'm sure I'll convince them and show them the perspective of real sense for there's this very scientific, practical and noble angle to organ donations. It is a beautiful, extremely tempting proposition to use a part of your body — that will anyway turn to ashes, or be eaten up by bugs underground - to show someone a world he/she has yet only heard of. 

Now the BIG Question. How to Donate the eyes? The procedure is quite simple

a) Pledge your eyes with a nearest eye bank and inform about the same to your near and dear ones. This is very important as the eyes have to be removed within 6 hours of death
b) After death, ensure that wet cotton is placed over the closed eyelids to keep the tissue moist. Raise the head with a pillow and keep the fans off (AC can be on).
c) The dear ones will call the eye bank and doctors from eye bank will come to your place. The eye extraction takes only 15 minutes. Doctors will also collect some blood for testing to ensure that the cornea is safe for transplant. The doctors replaces the eye hollow with artificial eyes.
d) The donor and recipient of Corneas remain anonymous and the donor’s family receives a certificate of appreciation from the eye bank for this noble donation

Cheers everyone. Hope my Parents support my decision. :)


  1. are you serious?
    I don't see anything wrong with this at all, but such decisions are not easy to make. we'll talk more in details later...
    Happy Birthday!!! Have a blast! :)

  2. @Preety : Yeah I'm quite serious about this. I've had this thought for a while now and I'm gonna go with it. It's just awesome to think that someone will have my eyes and see this world after I'm dead. Yeah we can talk about this and Thank you for the b'day wishes. Take Care! Adios!

  3. as a person connected to the medical field,i agree its a gr8 decision..also cos i partly know the difficulties of vision impairment in a different way( been wearing glasses since the age of 7 :) )
    i agree with u that it may take some time for family to accept such a decision but am sure they will be proud of u nd ur decision.

  4. @Suja Mam : Thank you Mam.I really appreciate the fact that, you read my blog :D.I will somehow convince them to go my way. :)
