Monday, October 4, 2010


To all the Philosophers and disciples of the like this blog is posted only in jest. When I'm in a certain subliminal subconscious state of mind I really do find a lot of these philosophical stuff interesting. Okay, let me cut to the chase and talk about why I chose this title.

I was presented with this idea from a friend awhile back. 

Did you know that you can never really get where you are going. It’s true according to philosophy, and they will prove it to you. The reason is that in order to get somewhere you must first go halfway between that point and the point you are at now. And once you are at the halfway point you must go halfway again. And we all know that going halfway is not going all the way; therefore you will never reach your destination because you will always have to go halfway.

It’s a fundamental paradox that I guess thinkers(not me) find fascinating. And yes, it was interesting for like forty seconds. But then I say, OK, but I did actually get there. It happened. It’s real. Try and prove me wrong.

There are guys like Einstein who will respond to that argument with: Well, how do you know anything is real or true? Couldn’t everything be just a manipulation of our minds? Could everything just be a mirage? His Theory of Relativity gave me some real hard times in high school. This guy even went a step further and gave us a theory about Parallel Universe. I never really got hold of that theory.

I was quite fascinated by the FRIENDSHIP PARADOX. It's a really interesting phenomenon.The paradox is explained by the fact that one is more likely to be friends with someone who has more friends and less likely to be friends with someone who has fewer friends.

        If an individual has more than average friends, they are more likely to have friends with less friends than them, because there are more people with less friends than them. If an individual has fewer friends than average, they are more likely to have friends with more friends than the individual, because there are a lot of people who have more friends than the individual. By this explanation, it is clear that on average, everyone has the average number of friends, and everyone's friends have the average number of friends, which means that on average, an individual's friends have the same number of friends as that individual.

That’s another paradox. We could all just be in some sort of Matrix or computer simulated world and we wouldn’t know it. And we could just as well all have invisible magic black hats above our heads controlling our every action, and we wouldn’t know it. Considering the fact that these arguments have a foundation in the fact that “we wouldn’t know it”, why waste time trying to defunct arguments that are based on what we think we do know? It’s an absolutely pointless endeavor. Reality is what we can sensibly gather from what we see, and the rest is just imagination and creativity.

It’s like arguing with someone about color. Perhaps we don’t all see the same colors. Maybe all of our eyes see different hues for the same classification of red. If could be possible, as one can’t really describe color other than to relate it to things that are that color. But why would it matter? Whether we all see different hues for the same color or not doesn’t really affect anything anyway. And nobody will ever be able to prove it right or wrong, it’s just another one of those “what-ifs?”

The problem with intellectuals is that they can sometimes are too busy creating interesting conversation and thoughts in their head that they are unable to draw any conclusions.I mean, honestly, no matter how interesting it may be to discover what the definition of true wilderness is, but, who the hell really bothers about it.May be thats the reason why I never considered humanities as a subject of interest. Since I'm tagged as "useless" these days I've nothing else better to do than to come up with Half Way there paradoxes and bore the hell out of the persons who are reading this. I will thank philosophers for coming up with philosophy and  providing me with some laughs between my friends and some entertaining thought when I have nothing better to do with my mind. At-least I managed to waste 5 mins of your time. :P


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